Migrant Support Project
Making a Difference One At a Time.
Mobile Community Connect Groups
Mobile Community-based Connect groups are organized with an aim to support community engagement, social cohesion, wellbeing, and inclusion. Connect groups provide us with an opportunity to establish and maintain effective and cooperative relationships with the communities. Shared kai, and refreshments will allow us to taste and connect with the cultures of New Zealand at a whole new level.
Please go to the Events page to register and see our latest news about the upcoming events.
Change Starts Within You.
Mobile Community-based Workshops
Mobile community-based workshops aims to deliver community empowerment initiatives to support the migrant and ethnic communities in New Zealand to make informed choices related to settlement, and integration.
Mobile community-based workshops are delivered to provide culturally responsive and effective employment, and migrant support services to the communities. We are supporting communities to actively participate and contribute to the development of the country and achieve goals related to social inclusion, housing, job, education, health, economic inequalities by providing culturally appropriate community led support and mentorship programs.
Please check our Events page to register for the upcoming workshops. The registered members will be invited to the mobile workshops.
Sense of Belonging Positively Affects Wellbeing.
Webinars and Online Workshops
Online workshops aim to pivot the service delivery model to meet the demands and expectations of migrant and ethnic population. Pivoting to digital platform will provide us with an opportunity to target the audience electronically.
We are supporting migrant and ethnic communities in New Zealand by organizing online workshops related to settlement, and employment to overcome barriers (social, language, attitudinal, environmental, legal) that limit opportunities by providing timely and adequate information to deliver outcomes that contribute to effective inclusion. We address challenges in integration by providing job search assistance and migrant support programs.
Please go to the Events page to register for the upcoming workshops.